Monday, January 26, 2015

The Prodigal Tooth: Single Tooth Dental Implants

                          The Prodigal Tooth: Single Tooth Dental Implants

Some dental patients may be nervous with the idea of Dental Implants . They have often bought into stereotypes about the procedure, thinking it is only for cosmetic purposes, is a last resort, or is for people with chronic problems. Did you know, however, you can receive a dental implant for a single missing tooth? Here are the ways you can benefit from single implants.

When are Single Implants Needed?

A missing tooth does not necessarily mean you need or want a dental implant. A tooth in the back of your mouth with a small chip or crack probably doesn't warrant one right away, and if the missing tooth isn’t obvious, you may forego an implant. However, you should consider a single implant in a few circumstances:

  • It’s obvious the tooth is missing (for example, it’s a front tooth).
  • You find yourself hiding your teeth or mouth.
  • The area around the missing tooth is inflamed or has signs of decay.
  • Your other teeth aren't functioning effectively without the missing tooth.
  • Because of the missing tooth, your other teeth have begun crowding or overlapping.

How Can Implants Help?

The benefits of dental implants, including singles, are abundant. First, there’s usually a social advantage. People are naturally self-conscious about their appearances – especially any flaws in the face, eyes, or mouth. Those of us with missing teeth know what it’s like to smile with your mouth closed or to put hands over your face so others won’t comment on a missing tooth. Dental implants eliminate that worry.

On a more practical level, dental implants (even for one tooth) mean a healthier mouth. People with missing teeth often report an increase in decay or sensitivity, especially as the teeth age. Missing teeth can also make eating and talking painful and awkward. At Solace Surgery, we install immediately functioning teeth so you can enjoy a complete mouth and its benefits right after surgery.

How Does the Implant Work?

We provide several options for the type of implant, but we do similar procedures for each. Solace Oral Surgery offers traditional fully ceramic implants. We offer another option to dentures and restore your smile with modern dental technology.  Dental implants act like a normal tooth and are made with biocompatible materials. They maintain natural bone and implants will normally last a lifetime. Talk to Dr. Jaime A. Romero about your options. 

After your initial exams, the dentist will provide a temporary tooth or bridge. This allows you to function normally while your mouth and jaw get used to the new tooth. After the adjustment period, your oral surgeon will put in the permanent implant. Call for a consultation appointment today.

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Wise Choice for Your Mouth: Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Removal

A Wise Choice for Your Mouth: Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are usually removed during the teens or twenties years. Some people put off this procedure or don’t have it done at all because of fear, or they think it’s not necessary. Education has improved, but most patients don’t know all they need to. Here are the reasons for wisdom teeth removal and the benefits.

What Are Wisdom Teeth, and Why Remove Them?

Wisdom teeth are defined as “each of the four hindmost teeth in humans, appearing at about age twenty.” That refers to the third and final set of molars. Getting them doesn't mean immediate removal is necessary. To a point, wisdom teeth can be beneficial if they come in properly aligned. The problem is they are often misaligned or don’t come in completely. Some adults may not even have a full set; a small percentage have three wisdom teeth while some have only two.

Wisdom teeth often come in aligned horizontally or positioned away from the other molars, which can cause pain and make eating or drinking difficult. These teeth also make it harder to brush or floss because the misalignment makes them more difficult to reach. Therefore, wisdom teeth are likely to get dark spots, cavities, and other dental problems.

Sometimes wisdom teeth are impacted – meaning “trapped” or enclosed in the soft tissue, gums, or jawbone. Many of them break through only partially, leading to pain, swelling, and sometimes bleeding if they’re deep enough into the tissue. Dentists usually use X-rays to detect wisdom teeth, how they’re aligned, and how far they've erupted. Here at Solace Oral Surgery,we use our 3D technology not only detect wisdom teeth, but also to view crucial anatomical structures such as nerves, sinuses and adjacent teeth. We can also estimate when wisdom teeth removal will be necessary.

What About the Operation?

Wisdom teeth removal is a routine dental surgery  make sure you consult a specialist. Patients have the option of staying awake with conscious sedation, but it’s generally performed under local anesthesia. Your oral surgeon will explain the risks.

The surgery doesn't require an overnight stay. Have someone drive you to and from the procedure. You’ll receive instructions, and if necessary, medication for any swelling or discomfort.

What Are the Benefits?

Removal will eliminate pain in the teeth, jaw, and gums, and will reduce the possibility of decay. It can also help realign your bite, which reduces the risk of food getting between your teeth and under your gums, and will decrease crowding of your other teeth. The result: a healthier and more attractive smile.