Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Understanding Anesthesia With Oral Surgery

                                           Understanding Anesthesia With Oral Surgery

Many oral surgery patients must undergo anesthesia before the procedure. Your surgeon will give you all the information you need to know for a successful operation. Always listen to your surgeon’s instructions above anything you read online. For a general background, here’s what you should know about anesthesia and oral surgery.

Types of Anesthesia

For oral surgery, your surgeon will recommend a specific type of anesthetic. Many surgeries require general anesthesia—a procedure that puts the body into a temporary induced coma. Not only are patients unconscious, but they’re also unresponsive. In this state, surgeons can easily perform all of the necessary tasks without worrying about pain management or sleep-related movements.

Aside from general anesthesia, some more routine procedures may only require semi-conscious or localized anesthetic. Semi-conscious sedation won’t render you completely unconscious. Localized anesthetic only affects a certain part of the body. Nitrous oxide may also play a role in treatment. Commonly referred to as laughing gas, this inhaled sedative delivers temporary calming effects.

 Discussing Anesthesia With Your Surgeon

For any type of anesthetic, your surgeon and anesthesiologist should have full knowledge of preexisting medical conditions and any medications you take. Some individuals react poorly to certain types of anesthesia. Tell your physician about any past experiences with anesthesia, existing allergies, and other medical information.

During your pre-operative appointment, your surgeon or a staff member will walk you through all of the anesthesiology requirements. For general anesthesia, you may need to fast for a certain period of time, stop taking some medications, and avoid using tobacco products and alcohol. Keep the written instructions regarding your requirements visible in the days leading up to the surgery. Failing to closely follow the instructions could lead to surgical complications.


What to Expect During General Anesthesia

When you arrive at the facility, the anesthesiologist or licensed professional should explain the process as he or she goes through the steps. Double check that you’ve followed all instructions, and ask the person administering the anesthetic to confirm the medication you discussed during your pre-operative appointment (especially if you have any allergies). After the professional administers the appropriate drug, you’ll drift out of consciousness.

You probably won’t remember the procedure, and the side effects from the anesthesia—including drowsiness—will wear off over time. Arrange to have someone take you to, pick you up from, and stay with you after any surgical procedure. In the days following the procedure, remember to obey your surgeon’s after-care instructions for a successful experience.

For additional questions, please contact Solace Oral Surgery at (615) 320-1392.

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